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  • K8S Liveness Probe HTTP Request

    Design & Configure

    K8S Liveness Probe HTTP Request

    Liveness Probe HTTPRequest is an element in Kubernetes that allows you to control the liveness of a counter in pods using HTTP. The component allows to query a specific endpoint in the container and infer whether the application is working correctly.

    In this article, I will list some common Kubernetes Liveness Probe and httpGet settings. Then I’ll show you a working example of how to properly configure Liveness Probe in your code.


    Liveness Probe Settings

    Liveness Probe restarts the container when a given endpoint returns a status higher than 399. This feature also has some useful settings such as:

    1. initialDelaySeconds – time after which liveness probe should start polling the endpoint
    2. periodSeconds – Endpoint polling frequency
    3. timeoutSeconds – time after which the timeout will expire.
    4. successThreshold – the minimum number of successful attempts after which the liveness probe will confirm that the container is operating correctly
    5. failThreshold – the number of failed attempts after which the container will be restarted

    httpGet options:

    1. host – name of the host to connect to
    2. scheme – HTTP or HTTPS protocol type
    3. path – access path on the HTTP/HTTPS server
    4. httpHeaders – Custom headers to set in the request
    5. port – The port number that can be accessed in the container



    # YAML example
    # liveness-pod-example.yaml
    apiVersion: v1 
    kind: Pod 
      name: liveness-request 
      - name: liveness 
        image: nginx 
            - containerPort: 80 
            path: / 
            port: 80 
          initialDelaySeconds: 2 #Default 0 
          periodSeconds2 #Default 10 
          timeoutSeconds: 1 #Default 1 
          successThreshold: 1 #Default 1 
          failureThreshold: 3 #Default 3 


    Liveness Probe HTTP Request – przykłady

    Utwórz pod:

    kubectl create -f liveness-pod-example.yaml


    Opisz pod:

    kubectl describe pod liveness-request  
    Restart Count:  0
    Type Reason Age From Message
    ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
    Normal Scheduled <unknown> default-scheduler Successfully assigned example-dc/liveness-request to dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3
    Normal Pulling 4m45s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Pulling image "nginx"
    Normal Pulled 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Successfully pulled image "nginx"
    Normal Created 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Created container liveness
    Normal Started 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Started container liveness


    Pod działa.


    Żeby sprawdzić, czy działa liveness probe, usuń plik index.html z poda “liveness-request” poniższą komendą.

    kubectl exec -it liveness-request -- rm /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html 

    Plik index.html został usunięty, a liveness probe próbował wysłać request do portu 80, ponieważ status odpowiedzi nie znajdował się w zakresie między 200 a 399. Kontener zostanie uruchomiony ponownie. Rezultat zobaczysz poniżej:

    kubectl describe pod liveness-request 
    Restart Count: 1
    Type Reason Age From Message
    ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
    Normal Scheduled <unknown> default-scheduler Successfully assigned example-dc/liveness-request to dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3
    Normal Pulling 9s (x2 over 11m) kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Pulling image "nginx"
    Warning Unhealthy 9s (x3 over 13s) kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 403
    Normal Killing 9s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Container liveness failed liveness probe, will be restarted
    Normal Pulled 7s (x2 over 11m) kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Successfully pulled image "nginx"
    Normal Created 7s (x2 over 11m) kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Created container liveness
    Normal Started 7s (x2 over 11m) kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Started container liveness 
    Author: Wojciech Tokarski