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  • c1121

    Design & Configure

    C1121X – device specific template configuration

    Technology: SD-WAN
    Manufacturer: Cisco
    Software: IOS-XE Universal 17.5
    Platform: vManage 20.6


    In an earlier post, we showed how to configure the base template of the c1121x SD-WAN router. Using the base configuration, we assign values to all routers of a given type. Now we will move on to configuring values specific to a specific router.

    Do you want to configure SD-WAN using templates professionally? Take advantage of the practical Software-defined WAN Training – Build and Maintain training, where we show you step-by-step how to configure SD-WAN from Cisco.

    How do we configure the interfaces of the C1121X SD-WAN router?

    1. Launch the PnP portal (Plug and Play Connect). You will find instructions in this configuration.
    2. Go to vManage.
    3. Launch Sync Smart Account by logging in with your details. Once logged in, vManage tries to connect to the PnP portal to retrieve the latest lists. The missing router should appear in vManage. You can find it by selecting Configuration -> Devices from the side menu.
    4. Plug the Device Template into your router to connect it to the network. To do this, select Configuration -> Templates from the side menu, and then from the list of templates select the one appropriate for the router you are configuring (in our case, C1121X).
    5. Adapt the template to your device by appropriately addressing the interfaces (for example, I will use VLAN 633, 634)
      • Allowed VLANS (SWITCHPORT_ALLOWED_VLANS) specifying the numbers of the allowed VLANs: 633,634
      • VLAN Interface Name (SVI_2_NAME): Vlan633
      • IPv4 Address (SVI_2_IPADDR) of allowed VLANs – the naming convention is the one you know from IOS, e.g.
      • VLAN Interface Name (SVI_1_NAME): Vlan634
      • IPv4 Address (SVI_1_IPADDR) of allowed VLANs – the naming convention is the one you know from IOS, e.g.
      • Loopback ( in our case)
      • Default route – we define the next hop
    6. Validate your router configuration
      • Select the c1121x router from the list -> Config Preview to see how the configuration looks.
      • If you make changes to it, you will see them in the Config Diff tab. In green, you will see the commands sent to the router, and in red, those removed from the configuration.
      • Send the configuration to the router. By default, the configuration status is Scheduled. You can expand its steps by clicking the plus sign next to the status name.
    7. The configuration will be sent from vManage to the router when it logs in to the network.
    8. By default, a newly logged-in router has the default name Router. You will recognize that it has downloaded a configuration when its name appears in the vManage dashboard. Please note that after downloading the configuration, the router will restart and you will have to wait several seconds for it to reappear in the dashboard.


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      Author: Jacek Ozga