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  • Monitoring vs Observability: What to choose?

    In complex IT environments, monitoring and tracking events is a key element of infrastructure management. However, there is a growing discussion about the Monitoring vs. Observability clash, a concept that goes a step further than just monitoring, offering deeper insight into system performance and application availability. In the following article, we will look at both […]

    Date: 28.11.2024


    Wi-Fi 6: High-Efficiency WLAN with IEEE 802.11ax [UPDATED]

    The 802.11ax brings important features, focusing on network capacity, latency and range. High data rates are still in the picture, but rather in the background. Introducing OFDMA and using MU-MIMO allows AP to schedule data for multiple users simultaneously. This way, latency can be greatly decreased. With the new colors of the channels, frequencies can be spatially reused.

    Date: 07.04.2023

    Request timing analysis

    For demonstration purposes, we implemented two dummy microservices using aiohttp framework and deployed it on localhost alongside with PostgreSQL database. In this post, we will cover a single request timing breakdown. We will be using Elastic solutions to visualize the results.

    Date: 18.11.2020


    Docker healthcheck

    One of the available Design & Config about Dockerfile introduces the most important commands for container definition. Few of these commands deserve a longer explanation. In this blog post, I will focus on Docker healthcheck. It allows us to monitor easily the status of the container.

    Date: 16.09.2020


    Python REST frameworks performance comparison

    Modern DevOps solutions allow us to scale the applications quickly. Scaling doesn’t always mean that we are slowly gaining customers and need to add more instances or servers. Scaling up can also happen periodically as the demand for our app might be higher in the evening or during the weekends.

    Date: 10.08.2020

    Routing order in aiohttp library in Python

    In the Grandmetric development team, we regularly use the aiohttp library as our asynchronous HTTP client/server for Python. This D&C shows how to use and register request handlers in the aiohttp application. In particular, we would like to focus on paths order. That’s why you might find other solutions simplified for the sake of our […]

    Date: 08.07.2020

    How to adjust data to your needs in Elastic

    Elastic Stack allows to use multiple data source. On the ingest-layer you can use Logstash, any of the Beats or custom app, which feeds Elasticsearch with the data through the API. Each of them can be customized or configured to some extent. In this blog post we will present how elastic can be configured to support data in format we want.

    Date: 17.09.2019

    Handling tickets with Kibana

    There are multiple platforms that help you with handling tickets. If you are starting your business, you might simply reply to those emails directly via your mail client, but it quickly becomes too hard to follow and handle all the issues. We chose the tool, from the same vendor, we were already using for different purpose for easy integration. It was great for following threads, tagging and grouping issues, taking notes and automating responses. In this tool we had access to basic statistics like ticket count or time graph with incoming tickets, but we were interested in more advanced stats, which could give us more insight into what is going on. That’s why we decided to integrate that tool with already used by us Elastic Stack.

    Date: 22.07.2019

    IoT System: Monitoring and Management

    IoT System consists of multiple devices and we expect each of them to work flawlessly. There are many reasons why the service might not work in such complex environment. Starting from physical damage of the device, power outage, up to network failure or software bug. Whatever the issue is, we want to be aware of it as soon as possible.

    Date: 21.05.2019

    Wi-Fi Generations – new naming convention for WiFi

    Wi-Fi Generations affect not only new releases, but also refer to the past amendments. Currently Wi-Fi Alliance has defined 6 generations. Each step is significant improvement in network performance and security. No more minor version changes that can cause only confusion.

    Date: 15.01.2019

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