Recently, we’ve been doing numerous site surveys and verification of Wi-Fi deployments in offices with more than 50APs per office in a managed setup (meaning that the APs are under the supervision of a wireless controller). In this post, I’d like to sketch an overview of the encountered issues and improvement suggestions.
Elastic Stack allows to use multiple data source. On the ingest-layer you can use Logstash, any of the Beats or custom app, which feeds Elasticsearch with the data through the API. Each of them can be customized or configured to some extent. In this blog post we will present how elastic can be configured to support data in format we want.
We’ve built a high density and high capacity network. In order to properly operate such network, we designed a custom monitoring and analytics solution based on Elastic Stack and MQTTbeat receiving the measurements from all 494 IoT gateways (i.e. 494 Wi-Fi APs) through an MQTT broker. In this post I’m sheding some light on the different aspects of the solution and custom dashboards.