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  • Tag: Network Slicing

    Smart Cities and TSPs Value Propositions – Post from Grandmetric Advisor

    This post provides introduction to Smart Cities including: definition, drivers for smart cities, use cases, components of smart cities, challenges, and Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs) Value Propositions for smart cities.

    Date: 05.03.2018

    5G Core Network Functions

    This post touches upon the 5G network functions (NFs) related to core network. Some of them look very similar to the corresponding functions in the previous generations’ core networks. This of course is not surprising, as the network always has to carry out some basic functions such as: communicate with the UE, store its subscription and credentials, allow access to external networks & services, provide security and manage the network access and mobility. However, we will also see some new functions, not present before, which are needed to enable the new network paradigms like slicing and service-based networking.

    Date: 02.03.2018

    5G Core Network – a Short Overview

    The 5G System (5GS) will have three main components as defined below: 5G Access Network (5G-AN) 5G Core Network (5GC) Use Equipment (UE) This blog is dedicated to describing the main components of the 5G Core Network as defined by the ongoing efforts at 3GPP SA [1]. The 5G system is being designed to support […]

    Date: 05.06.2017


    5G Energy efficiency – how to achieve it?

    One of the key requirements for new generation networks like 5G is energy efficiency, meaning reduction of network energy consumption. Example techniques to assure high energy efficiency in mobile networks include: the use of lean carrier, dynamic beamforming, efficient energy saving schemes for Small Cells, virtualization of the network and utilization of dense deployments.   Energy […]

    Date: 16.10.2016


    5G-mobile vs. IP-networks techniques: 5G Network Slicing

    Within this series of posts, I want to review the 5G concepts from the IP-networks perspective and explore the available techniques on the market which allow translating the presented concepts into real infrastructures. This post is related to a concept known as 5G network slicing. Recently, there are many documents describing 5G principles and architectures. […]

    Date: 05.07.2016

    Author: Grandmetric