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  • Network & Wireless Blog for professionals

    Over 45 thousand readers come back for our content every month!


    Will Zero Trust answer the problems and security challenges in factories?

    Zero Trust, the concept of securing services and devices based on an implicit lack of trust, which can be applied to Industry 4.0, is a subject that is used in all cases in IT. It may seem that there is no longer a company, that does not use Zero Trust’s complete approach to security. However, the reality is not so bright. What problems and challenges does Industry 4.0 pose in terms of security? We will provide answers to these questions below. They will be based on visible trends in the manufacturing industry, as well as lessons learned from Grandmetric’s safety audits.

    Date: 25.01.2022

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    What can you learn from an ICT security audit?

    Online data privacy and security is a particularly important topic when most of us work remotely. There are plenty of traces that we leave behind on the Internet, and we encounter cybercrime on a daily basis. We should, therefore, consider how we can protect ourselves against the loss of both personal data and key company information. The ICT audit is a certain component of the entire security policy. It is most often carried out in order to prevent threats that may occur in the future.  

    Date: 23.09.2021

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    Leaders are transitioning to SASE architecture

    The transition of many companies to remote work as a result of the Sars-Cov2 virus pandemic causing Covid-19, has created a new challenge for companies – ensuring the security of cloud architecture and data protection. Cisco SD-WAN is trying to meet this challenge, offering a new model of secure SASE cloud architecture. Many companies from […]

    Date: 15.09.2021


    IT integrator with a software team?

    There are at least several reasons for an IT integrator to build in-house software development capabilities and skillset. In this article, we discuss why should an IT integrator build a software development team and how Grandmetric does just that to deliver better networking projects.

    Date: 07.09.2021

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    DDT library for Python – examples

    Automated testing without the usage of the DDT library is like a cake without the icing – a bit dry. Data-Driven Tests are the most helpful when you want to run test cases with multiple values of variables. Instead of looping through inside a test case, you can use decorators (now the cake parallel doesn’t […]

    Date: 27.07.2021

    System Monitoring or How and What to Monitor

    How far does system monitoring reach? How do we know what to observe? Which monitoring tool to choose? Let’s dive into the topic.

    Date: 21.06.2021


    DNS Security or How to Protect Users with Cisco Umbrella

    DNS Protection, what is it?  DNS, or the Domain Name System, is a system translating URL addresses of websites into a language understandable for computers. Protecting DNS, we do not allow undesired domains to transfer information to our users. This is how we can protect them from phishing or ransomware attacks. When we add a […]

    Date: 09.06.2021


    VLAN and more. Does your network have these features enabled? – UPDATED

    Many people wonder why good design and implementation of corporate LAN and Edge features is necessary. There are many answers to this simple question and among them, we require a good network to be least vulnerable to unwanted intrusions along with it to be able to support all our requirements. We have compiled a list that you […]

    Date: 27.05.2021

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    Black-box and white-box testing – pros and cons

    In this article, I will explain what black-box and white-box testing are and what are their positive and negative aspects.

    Date: 11.03.2021

    Software testing – 3 tips for beginners

    When talking about web or mobile application development, you cannot miss the importance of software testing. One does not only deploy new functionality before testing it thoroughly. Don’t trust developers (even if they are engineers). There is ALWAYS something to fix or to improve.

    Date: 23.12.2020

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