We’ve built a high density and high capacity network. In order to properly operate such network, we designed a custom monitoring and analytics solution based on Elastic Stack and MQTTbeat receiving the measurements from all 494 IoT gateways (i.e. 494 Wi-Fi APs) through an MQTT broker. In this post I’m sheding some light on the different aspects of the solution and custom dashboards.
As the “5G” research and standardization is progressing, I would like to elaborate a bit on some concepts that are potentially serving as building blocks for the future systems. They are divided in this post into: Air interface and Networking concepts. Selected air interface aspects millimeter Wave (mmW) – The high-frequency ranges are currently becoming […]
This article presents the currently ongoing activities in the area of 5G research under the umbrella of Horizon-2020 EU-funded projects. It is the second part of the “research activities in Europe“, following the previous article focused on FP7 projects, namely Towards 5G – research activities in Europe (part 1 – FP7 projects). Overview of the 5G related Horizon-2020 […]
With the recent hype on 5G, an interesting question could be raised, namely: will a mobile system finally become an alternative to fixed access? Can we really answer that question at this point? As of now, we cannot say for sure what 5G will become, since its still being discussed, the requirements specification is ongoing, and the actual […]