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  • Tag: man in the middle

    Phishing – a big problem for small and medium-sized businesses 

    Phishing is one of the most serious threats facing business owners today. Over the past few years, phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. Meanwhile, the study “Perception of Cybersecurity among Managers of Polish Companies” was commissioned in 2022 by Sophos*. It showed that more than a quarter of Polish companies do […]

    Date: 04.04.2023


    Companies on hackers’ radar. Where to start cybersecurity? 

    Cybersecurity is often associated with large companies and serious financial outlays. This is wrong thinking with very serious business consequences.  According to F5 in its Phishing and Fraud Report, with the outbreak of the pandemic and the move of employees to the home office, the number of phishing or ransomware attacks not only increased by […]

    Date: 03.04.2023


    Security of wireless networks – how do hackers get in? 

    When dealing with networks, both wired and wireless, we can’t fail to mention the security issue. In the case of wireless networks, many users are unaware of the hazards lurking when switching between networks and using unprotected, unverified wireless networks. This article will answer your questions on securing the Wi-Fi network and making it resistant […]

    Date: 08.08.2022

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    LAN security and how it is hacked

    To check whether a given IT infrastructure is resilient, and its LAN security strong, first, we need to run audits and penetration tests. While performing these, we use various protection breaching techniques to access the company’s resources. One of the basic tests is an attempt to obtain as much information as possible at a local […]

    Date: 01.08.2022

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    Will Zero Trust answer the problems and security challenges in factories?

    Zero Trust, the concept of securing services and devices based on an implicit lack of trust, which can be applied to Industry 4.0, is a subject that is used in all cases in IT. It may seem that there is no longer a company, that does not use Zero Trust’s complete approach to security. However, the reality is not so bright. What problems and challenges does Industry 4.0 pose in terms of security? We will provide answers to these questions below. They will be based on visible trends in the manufacturing industry, as well as lessons learned from Grandmetric’s safety audits.

    Date: 25.01.2022

    Author: Marcin Bialy

    VLAN and more. Does your network have these features enabled? – UPDATED

    Many people wonder why good design and implementation of corporate LAN and Edge features is necessary. There are many answers to this simple question and among them, we require a good network to be least vulnerable to unwanted intrusions along with it to be able to support all our requirements. We have compiled a list that you […]

    Date: 27.05.2021

    Author: Marcin Bialy